I am continuing to explore Svelte, SvelteKit and GitHub Pages. It’s pretty easy to create a blog and use mdsvex to process markdown files. But I think that the imposed folder structure is limiting.

In SvelteKit the blog pages must be in a blog folder (or post, or any other name). The post url will look something like:


Instead I prefer a simpler url:


Partly because I write a few posts, partly for personal taste. I know that it is not a widespread practice but mine sine qua non condition to switch from Jekyll to Svelte is the possibility of use the same url structure.

There is another important condition: I want to keep post images in the same folder with the .md file. I prefer to keep everything together, it makes my life easier when I write.

I had to search a bit, but combining various pieces and trying and trying again I managed to get something working.

Before starting a few links:

The trick is to “map” all blog posts and keep them as “modules”. Then I use Vite to dynamically import the modules into the blog. To test I don’t create a new repository. I continue modifying the MEMENTO SvelteKit & GitHub Pages: I add a src/news folder to insert the various posts.

I use a structure similar to the one I will need in my blog. So the posts will be divided by year but not by month. Each post will stay in a folder whose first few characters represent the publication date. Inside the folder I will put the images I will need and an index.md file with the post. I think in the future I will have to add the ability to use markdown files with other names. That’s enough for the moment.

Every post will be in a path similar to:

root: /src/news/2021/2021-07-26-sveltekit-routing-from-other-folders/index.md

Also, I want to index the various posts. I change the src/routes/index.svelte file.


First, I need the list of all markdown files contained in the news folder. I use a function of Vite, globEager:

With this code I get all the md files as modules. Then I go through every post I’ve just found and I extract some data

I need the post module

And I need the metadatas (extracted from the markdown frontmatter):

I put all in an array (body = []). Then I pass body to the page with a load() function:

Now I add the html side in index.svelte:

I can also play with frontmatter. I can use the folder name if I don’t define a slug in the frontmatter. I extract the name of the folder minus the date:

Then I define the helper function:

And I change the html code:


Once I fix the home page, I have to understand how to access the various posts using a simplified slug. I need a dynamic parameter. So I create the src/routes/[slug].svelte component.

I have to import the various posts. But this time I also import the modules of the various posts:

Now I filter the various posts to extract what I want to show:

The component itself is very simple:

After that, I can build the static site with:

npm run build

Now I can upload to GitHub:

npm run deploy

That’s all for today. The code is available on GitHub:

The blog is visible at the address: el3um4s.github.io/memento-sveltekit-and-github-pages.

And this is my Patreon: