My family has often dealt with mythology and deities. Although I consider myself an atheist, I have remained curious about religions, traditions, deities, and other things. Over time, I have developed a certain passion for urban fantasy stories, like those by Neil Gaiman. I would like to write something similar, maybe set in Milan. For now, however, I am still in the exploration phase and I enjoy playing with ideas and concepts.

The post today is exactly about one of these games. I wanted to imagine a pantheon of deities based on farm animals. It is not my intention to create a religion, obviously, but only to play with the concept of how common, sometimes underestimated, animals can be a source of inspiration for a mythology. Here are my “Farmyard Gods”.

But before starting with the list and images, a couple of notes on the method I followed. To create the images I used an Artificial Intelligence (Jasper). I asked another Artificial Intelligence (ChatGPT) to add a power to the various deities.

Canis (dog)

Full intricate clothing, ultra detailed, digital art, octane render, 4k, dystopian, micro details by greg rutkowski

Cane (Canis) - Canis is the god of loyalty and friendship. He is revered for his unwavering devotion to his humans and his ability to form strong bonds with those around him.

Felis (cat)

Full intricate clothing, ultra detailed, digital art, octane render, 4k, dystopian, micro details by greg rutkowski

Gatto (Felis) - Felis is the goddess of grace and mystery. She is known for her sleek movements and her enigmatic nature. She is revered for her ability to bring luck and good fortune to those around her.

Bovina (cow)

Full intricate clothing, ultra detailed, digital art, octane render, 4k, dystopian, micro details by greg rutkowski

Mucca (Bovina) - Bovina is the goddess of fertility and prosperity. She is revered for her ability to nourish and sustain life through her milk and her role as a mother.

Gallus (rooster)

Full intricate clothing, ultra detailed, digital art, octane render, 4k, dystopian, micro details by greg rutkowski

Pollo (Gallus) - Gallus is the god of vigilance and protection. He is known for his keen eyesight and his ability to watch over his flock with vigilance.

Gallina (hen)

Full intricate clothing, ultra detailed, digital art, octane render, 4k, dystopian, micro details by greg rutkowski

Gallina (Gallina) - Gallina is the goddess of motherhood and care. She is known for her ability to nurture and protect her young and for her role as a maternal figure.

Anser (goose)

Full intricate clothing, ultra detailed, digital art, octane render, 4k, dystopian, micro details by greg rutkowski

Oca (Anser) - Anser is the goddess of wisdom and knowledge. She is known for her intelligence and her ability to navigate through any challenge with ease.

Anas (Duck)

Full intricate clothing, ultra detailed, digital art, octane render, 4k, dystopian, micro details by greg rutkowski

Anatra (Anas) - Anas is the god of freedom and flexibility. He is revered for his ability to navigate through any situation with grace and ease.

Equus (horse)

Full intricate clothing, ultra detailed, digital art, octane render, 4k, dystopian, micro details by greg rutkowski

Cavallo (Equus) - Equus is the god of strength and speed. He is revered for his powerful muscles and his ability to run faster than any other animal.

Sus (pig)

Full intricate clothing, ultra detailed, digital art, octane render, 4k, dystopian, micro details by greg rutkowski

Maiale (Sus) - Sus is the goddess of generosity and gratitude. She is known for her ability to share her resources with others and for her gratefulness in all situations.

Lepus (rabbit)

Full intricate clothing, ultra detailed, digital art, octane render, 4k, dystopian, micro details by greg rutkowski

Coniglio (Lepus) - Lepus is the god of cunning and adaptability. He is revered for his quick thinking and his ability to adapt to any situation.

Ovis (sheep)

Full intricate clothing, ultra detailed, digital art, octane render, 4k, dystopian, micro details by greg rutkowski

Pecora (Ovis) - Ovis is the goddess of kindness and purity. She is known for her gentle nature and her pure heart.

Capra (goat)

Full intricate clothing, ultra detailed, digital art, octane render, 4k, dystopian, micro details by greg rutkowski

Capra (Capra) - Capra is the goddess of creativity and independence. She is revered for her ability to think outside the box and for her self-sufficient nature.